Tesla Model X Engine Diagram
Fitting dataset into Linear Regression model
Hi, today we will learn how to extract useful data from a large dataset and how to fit datasets into a linear regression model. We will do various types of operations to perform regression. Our main task to create a regression model that can predict our output. We will plot a graph of the best fit line (regression) will be shown. We will also find the Mean squared error, R2score. Finally, we will predict one sample. At first, we should know about what is Regression?
What is regression?
Basically, regression is a statistical term, regression is a statistical process to determine an estimated relationship of two variable sets.
linear regression diagram – Python
In this diagram, we can fin red dots. They represent the price according to the weight. The blue line is the regression line.
Python linear regression example with dataset
Let's go for the coding section:
- Dataset :
- Numpy Library
- Pandas Library
- Matplotlib Library
- SKlearn Library (sci-kit learn)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error %matplotlib inline df = pd.read_csv('car_data.csv') # Importing the dataset df.sample(5) #previewing dataset randomly
Then we import the car dataset. And print 5 sample dataset values. At first, we imported our necessary libraries.
print(df.shape) # view the dataset shape print(df['Make'].value_counts()) # viewing Car companies with their cars number
(11914, 16)
Chevrolet 1123 Ford 881 Volkswagen 809 Toyota 746 Dodge 626 Nissan 558 GMC 515 Honda 449 Mazda 423 Cadillac 397 Mercedes-Benz 353 Suzuki 351 BMW 334 Infiniti 330 Audi 328 Hyundai 303 Volvo 281 Subaru 256 Acura 252 Kia 231 Mitsubishi 213 Lexus 202 Buick 196 Chrysler 187 Pontiac 186 Lincoln 164 Oldsmobile 150 Land Rover 143 Porsche 136 Saab 111 Aston Martin 93 Plymouth 82 Bentley 74 Ferrari 69 FIAT 62 Scion 60 Maserati 58 Lamborghini 52 Rolls-Royce 31 Lotus 29 Tesla 18 HUMMER 17 Maybach 16 McLaren 5 Alfa Romeo 5 Spyker 3 Genesis 3 Bugatti 3 Name: Make, dtype: int64
Here we print the shape of the dataset and print the different car companies with their total cars.
new_df = df[df['Make']=='Volkswagen'] # in this new dataset we only take 'Volkswagen' Cars print(new_df.shape) # Viewing the new dataset shape print(new_df.isnull().sum()) # Is there any Null or Empty cell presents new_df = new_df.dropna() # Deleting the rows which have Empty cells print(new_df.shape) # After deletion Vewing the shape print(new_df.isnull().sum()) #Is there any Null or Empty cell presents new_df.sample(2) # Checking the random dataset sample
(809, 16)
Make 0 Model 0 Year 0 Engine Fuel Type 0 Engine HP 0 Engine Cylinders 4 Transmission Type 0 Driven_Wheels 0 Number of Doors 0 Market Category 224 Vehicle Size 0 Vehicle Style 0 highway MPG 0 city mpg 0 Popularity 0 MSRP 0 dtype: int64
(581, 16)
Make 0 Model 0 Year 0 Engine Fuel Type 0 Engine HP 0 Engine Cylinders 0 Transmission Type 0 Driven_Wheels 0 Number of Doors 0 Market Category 0 Vehicle Size 0 Vehicle Style 0 highway MPG 0 city mpg 0 Popularity 0 MSRP 0 dtype: int64
Here we select only 'Volkswagen' cars from the large dataset. Because different types of cars have different brand value and higher or lower price. So we take only one car company for better prediction.
Then we view the shape and check if any null cell present or not. We found there are many null cells present. We delete those rows which have null cells. It is very important when you make a dataset for fitting any data model. Then we cross check if any null cells present or not. No null cell found then we print 5 sample dataset values.
new_df = new_df[['Engine HP','MSRP']] # We only take the 'Engine HP' and 'MSRP' columns new_df.sample(5) # Checking the random dataset sample
Engine HP | MSRP | |
5423 | 292.0 | 40475 |
5467 | 170.0 | 22695 |
10539 | 240.0 | 52245 |
6037 | 210.0 | 24535 |
5342 | 200.0 | 24845 |
Here we select only 2 specific ('Engine HP' and 'MSRP') columns from all columns. It is very important to select only those columns which could be helpful for prediction. It depends on your common sense to select those columns. Please select those columns that wouldn't spoil your prediction. After select only 2 columns, we view our new dataset.
X = np.array(new_df[['Engine HP']]) # Storing into X the 'Engine HP' as np.array y = np.array(new_df[['MSRP']]) # Storing into y the 'MSRP' as np.array print(X.shape) # Vewing the shape of X print(y.shape) # Vewing the shape of y
(581, 1) (581, 1)
Here we put the 'Engine HP' column as a numpy array into 'X' variable. And 'MSRP' column as a numpy array into 'y' variable. Then check the shape of the array.
plt.scatter(X,y,color="red") # Plot a graph X vs y plt.title('HP vs MSRP') plt.xlabel('HP') plt.ylabel('MSRP') plt.show()
HP vs MRSP scatter plot graph
Here we plot a scatter plot graph between 'MSRP' and 'HP'.After viewing this graph we ensured that we can perform a linear regression for prediction.
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.25,random_state=15) # Spliting into train & test dataset regressor = LinearRegression() # Creating a regressior regressor.fit(X_train,y_train) # Fiting the dataset into the model
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=None, normalize=False)
Here we split our 'X' and 'y' dataset into 'X_train', 'X_test' and 'y_train', 'y_test'. Here we take 25% data as test dataset and remaining as train dataset. We take the random_state value as 15 for our better prediction. We create regressor. And we fit the X_train and y_train into the regressor model.
plt.scatter(X_test,y_test,color="green") # Plot a graph with X_test vs y_test plt.plot(X_train,regressor.predict(X_train),color="red",linewidth=3) # Regressior line showing plt.title('Regression(Test Set)') plt.xlabel('HP') plt.ylabel('MSRP') plt.show()
X_test vs y_test with regression line graph
Here we plot a scatter plot graph between X_test and y_test datasets and we draw a regression line.
plt.scatter(X_train,y_train,color="blue") # Plot a graph with X_train vs y_train plt.plot(X_train,regressor.predict(X_train),color="red",linewidth=3) # Regressior line showing plt.title('Regression(training Set)') plt.xlabel('HP') plt.ylabel('MSRP') plt.show()
X_train vs y_train scatterplot with best-fit regression line
Here we plot the final X_train vs y_train scatterplot graph with a best-fit regression line. Here we can clearly understand the regression line.
y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) print('R2 score: %.2f' % r2_score(y_test,y_pred)) # Priniting R2 Score print('Mean squared Error :',mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred)) # Priniting the mean error
R2 score: 0.73 Mean squared Error : 55796476.51179164
def car_price(hp): # A function to predict the price according to Horsepower result = regressor.predict(np.array(hp).reshape(1, -1)) return(result[0,0]) car_hp = int(input('Enter Volkswagen cars Horse Power : ')) print('This Volkswagen Prce will be : ',int(car_price(car_hp))*69,'₹')
Enter Volkswagen cars Horse Power : 210 This Volkswagen Prce will be : 2146314 ₹
Here we create a function with the help of our trained regressor model. And we get our desired output.
Note: The whole code is available into jupyter notebook format (.ipynb) you can download/see this code. Link- Linear Regression-Car download
You may like to read:
- Simple Example of Linear Regression With scikit-learn in Python
- Why Python Is The Most Popular Language For Machine Learning
Posted by: leopoldoleopoldopapine0271081.blogspot.com
Source: https://www.codespeedy.com/fitting-dataset-into-linear-regression-python-model/
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